
It's EverythingMe

Learning about me


Hey guys here i'm going to tell you a little about me.Ok first of all my name is Alex I'm a tomboy not a girlygirl.I Love the summer time i love video games. I love to ride my skatebaord bike rollerskates and bike to my friends house I love the sports hockey,fieldhockey,basketball,baseball,swiming,soccer,football,tennis badmittnen,lacross,skateboarding and snowboarding.I love to take pictures of me being funny,doing my sports,hanging out with my friends and my 2 favorite things to take pictures of are my friends and pets. I have 7 dogs 2 cats 10 fish 3 bunnies 4 hamsters who love to run on there weel 1 ginnuipig and 2 ducks. My favorite colors are red black blue orange and green. AKA i'm not a nerd but I am a strait A+ student SOMETIMES I was sooooo smart. I dont like school I just do really good.My favroite subject is Math. This Picture is what I really look like I know I look a lot like Kelly Clarkson THAT's PRETTY MUCH IT SEE U L8TER DUDES!!!

Friend #1

Hey here I'm going 2 talk about my friend Paige.I know I know she does look a lot like Paris Hilton.Paige loves dogs bunnies and alot of other pets.She is really cool she is 14 years old

My fave pet my dog

This picture shows U the picture of one of my dogs my fave dogs his name is henley  he is an 11 year old golden retriver

My fave cosin

My fave cosin is named Jamie she has red hair blue eyes.she is in 5th grade she loves to get a tan but that really doesn't work out so good she looooooooooves to surf Oh my god if you hand her a board and you count to 10 she will already be rippin the wave she has won 10 trophies and 6 meatles she has took first place 11 times shes really cool she has the best boyfriend oh my god I almost fell to the ground when i met him And hes really nice too you no how some boyfriends are like no you cant come but then there girlfriend says oh my gosh there soo cute and then you get to go with them hes nothing like that he loves to bring me and here everywere they go Sorry I cant find a picture of her but this is a picutre she painted.

My house

this is my house i live in the top window closest to the penguin in the sky