
Look at these cool pictures


 this is one of my fave things to look at it 's really made of  balloons I like it because of all it's color and just it form and shape it's amasing I love it alot I would love to have it oh And before I foget did U know this is really a hat


In this picture John Cassidy  is blowing up balloons and making amasing sculptures out of them John Cassidy as most people know is the Gunnies World record breaker for most balloon modelling sculptures made in a hour I love looking at his art work it's so amasing I love how it can look like many things and i just like to look at it it's just so so so AMASING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so # 1

My friends water party

My friend Caitlin held her 10th B day at here house kira is on the side Makenzie is in the back and so is lea I had so much fun there HAPPY10TH B DAY CAITLIN

